I spent a few hours today getting the website caught up to reality. Being in upstate New York in February, boat building came to a complete halt several months ago. Since I couldn’t work on the boat this winter, I decided that I’d build a website with my daughter to document the boat build as well as capture the adventures we’ll go on once it’s built.

Since it is a holiday and it’s snowing out, I relegated myself to sit down and finish building the rest of the website pages that get us caught up to where we are on the Backyard Dory boat build. Before it got too cold to mix epoxy, Samantha and I were able to finish the rub rails, the cap rails, as well as start the fore and aft turtledecks. The turtledecks are still in progress and will be the starting point when we get the boat back out this spring.
Spending a few hours working on the website really got me thinking about how much fun it’s going to be to start building again. My family and I will be heading back to Virginia this summer and I’d like to get the boat to the point that we can actually use it! We’ve been building for almost two years now, and just when we get momentum going during the build, something brings us to a grinding halt. A move for work, the winter, or just a lack of time – you name it – something seems to always stand in the way of progress! It’s a tough life lesson, but one I deal with, and one that I hope to teach my kids.
Perseverance pays off in the end, and Elizabeth Lynn will be on the water before I know it!